Digital Discovery for Sustainable Earth
5 Joohan was awarded The Graduate Student Excellent Research Awards. Congratulations! :)
2-6 Boss and Jiyeon participated at 'AsCA 2024' in Malaysia. Boss presented the Lecture at Computational Modelling, Databases & Data Mining' session. Jiyeon had oral presentation at 'MOFs & Hybrid Materials' session, and awarded Rising Star Award. Congratulations! :)
5 Jiyeon was awarded Young Researcher Support Program. Congratulations! :)
1-2 Boss participated at 2024 Conference of Korean Crystallographic Association. Boss presented at the Plenary Lecture and awarded Korean Crystallography Academic Award. Congratulations! :)
7-9 Boss participated at 2024 UNIST – Kyoto Joint Symposium. Boss presented the invited Lecture.
21 JooHan was awarded Best Paper Award. Congratulations! :)
1-2 Boss participated at 2024 Annual Autumn Polymer Meeting. Boss presented the Lecture.
17-18 Boss participated at 2024 KCS 134th General Meeting & Exhibition Expanding Chemical Space through Digital Discovery. Boss presented the Lecture.
29-30 Boss participated at The 20th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Organometallic and Coordination Chemistry. Boss presented the invited Lecture.
AUGUST, 2024
1 SeoYun joined our group. Welcome! :)
13 Students participated at 2024 KCS Conference in UNIST. Junghye, Jiyeon and Hyeontae presented at the poster session.
JULY, 2024
16-19 Boss and Jiyeon participated at MOF 2024 Singapore. Boss presented the keynote lecture and Jiyeon presented at the poster session.
JUNE, 2024
23-28 Boss participated at 13rd International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (ICPP) in Niagara Falls USA. Boss presented the invited lecture.
APRIL, 2024
24-26 Boss and students participated at 2024 KCS Conference in Suwon. Junghye presented an oral presentation. Joohan and Eunjie presented at the poster session.
15 Jiyeon and Soochan graduated Ph.D. and Changhyeon and Eunchan graduated B.S. Jiyeon was awarded YEBONG Best Research Award. Congratulations! :)
19-22 Boss and Soochan participated at the 9th Asian Conference on Coordination Chemistry in Bangkok, Thailand. Boss presented the lecture and Soochan presented at the poster session.
2-4 Boss and students participated at 2023 Korean Crystallographic Association in Yeosu. Boss presented at the Plenary Lecture. Junghye, Eunjie, Changhyeon, and Eunchan presented at the poster session. Junghye was awarded the Best Poster Award. Congratulations!
25-27 Boss and students participated at 2023 KCS Conference in Gwangju. Boss presented the Lecture. Ulsan branch awarded the Branch Award. Congratulations!
25-27 Joohan, Yeongjin and Hyeonsoo participated at 2023 KIChE in Daejeon. Joohan presented at the poster session.
15 Dongsik was awarded Juan de la Cierva Postdoctoral Fellowship. Congratulations!
AUGUST, 2023
6-11 Junghye participated at '2023 Gordon Research Conference (Nanoporous Materials and Their Applications)' in New Hampshire, United States. Junghye presented at poster session.
JUNE, 2023
22-23 Boss and students participated at '2023 KCS Inorganic Chemistry' in Busan. Junghye, Soochan, Jiyeon, Joohan, and Eunjie presented at poster session.
1 HyeonTae joined our group. Welcome! :)
29 Jiyeon was awarded the Talent Award of Korea bestowed by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education of Korea. Congratulations!
18 Changhyeon and eunchan participated '2022 U-Challenge Festival'. Our BTS team was awarded the U-Challenger Award. Congratulations!
30 Jiyeon, hyeonsoo, jung heum and eunchan participated at 'AsCA 2022' in Jeju. Jiyeon had oral presentation at 'MOFs and Hybrid Materials' session, on behalf of the boss.
2-4 Dongsik, Jiyeon and Joohan participated at 'Young Investigator Symposium (YIS)' in Dresden, Germany.
4-7 Dongsik, Jiyeon and Joohan participated at 'MOF 2022' in Dresden, Germany. Jiyeon had oral presentation at 'Porous Molecular Solids, Molecular Cages' session. Dongsik and Joohan presented at poster session.
JULY, 2022
1 Jung Heum joined our group. Welcome! :)
25 Eunji was awarded Maris Reicha Postdoctoral Fellowship. Congratulations!
JUNE, 2022
24-25 Boss and students participated at '2022 KCS Inorganic Chemistry' in Busan. David, junghye, dongsik, soochan, Jiyeon, joohan, yeongjin, hye jin, eunjie and eunchan presented at poster session. Junghye won the Excellent Poster Presentation Award. Congratulations!
MAY, 2022
17 Boss won the Educational Award in '2022 Outstanding Faculty & Staff Awards' in UNIST. Congratulations!
APRIL, 2022
13-15 Boss and students participated at '2022 KCS' in Jeju. david, junghye, dongsik, soochan, Jiyeon, joohan, hyeonsoo, eunjie, changhyeon and eunchan presented at poster session. Jiyeon and soochan won the Excellent Poster Presentation Award. Congratulations!
17 Dongsik graduated Ph.D and Seonghoon graduated M.S. Congratulations! :)
28 Jinhyu joined our group. Welcome! :)
14-15 Jiyeon had an oral presentation in '2021 8th SGPF Annual Conference'
29 Dharmalingam Sivanesan joined our group. Welcome! :)
7-8 Boss and students participated at 'Carbon Neutral Symposium' in Busan.
13-15 Boss and students participated at '128th General Meeting of the KCS' in Busan. Hyeonsoo presented at poster session.
JULY, 2021
8-10 Boss and students participated 'ENVEX 2021' in Seoul.
JUNE, 2021
1 Hye Jin, a researcher at the NRF, selected as a project to support student research. Congratulations!
APRIL, 2021
23 Students participated at '2021 KCS' online. Eunji, Eunyoung, dongsik, Jiyeon, presented at poster session. Jiyeon won the Excellent debater Award. Congraturations!
MARCH, 2021
2 Eunjie ju and Junkee joined our group. Welcome! :)
19 Eunji graduated Ph.D. Congratulation! :)
7 Our UIRP team won 1st award at the 2020 UIRP Festival. Congratulation! :)
27 Eunji got married. Congratulation! :)
21 Boss and seonghoon participated 'Ulsan Startup Festa 2020'.
24 Jiyeon had an oral presentation in '2020 7th SGPF Annual Conference'
16 Bokyung joined our group. Welcome! :)
21 Our group members participated at the Virtual Conference on Metal-Organic Frameworks and Open Framework Compounds.
AUGUST, 2020
24 Boss participated at '2020 KCS Inorganic Chemistry Division' online.
JULY, 2020
1 David joined our group. Welcome! :)
6-7 Boss and Jiyeon participated KCS 2020. Boss won Excellent Research Award in inorganic division. Congratulations!
22-23 Polyview workshop
JUNE, 2020
1 Soojin joined our group. Welcome! :)
APRIL, 2020
28 Boss gave a seminar talk at UNIST.
MARCH, 2020
2 Yoonjeong and Hyeonsoo joined our group. Welcome! :)
14 Yoonjeong graduated and earned the B.S degree.
18 Hyein and Hyeonsoo graduated. Hyein earned the M.S. degree. congratulation! :)
2 Yeongjin and Joohan visited an exchange meeting of achievement in Daejeon.
4 Boss and Dongsik participated in the Annual Assessment of the Ministry of Environment.
4 Yeongjin participated in Symposium of the Korean society for composite material, Changwon.
17-20 Boss, Eunji and Junghye participated AsCA 2019 in Singapore. Eunji won the Young Scientist Award. Congratulations!
26 Year-end party with Moon Group and secret angel, MANITO .
1 Boss and students participated at 2019 KCA Symposium in UNIST. Eunji, Junghye, dongsik, Jiyeon, Soochan, Joohan and Yeongjin presented at poster session. Junghye won the Excellent Poster Award. Congraturations!
3-5 Soochan participated at ICMS 2019 in Jeju.
6-8 Boss and Junghye participated the Hydrogen Workshop at Tokyo Tech. Boss had a talk and Junghye presented her work.
7 Hye jin attended 2019 Waste Plastic Symposium in Seoul.
7-8 Eunyoung, JIyeon and Soochan presented at International Science Museum Symposium.
11 Joohan and Yeongjin held a seminar at UNIST about The Science of Blue.
13 Joohan and Yeongjin held a seminar at Yugok middle school about The Science of Blue.
14-15 Boss and our lab members held a workshop at Phoenix hotel, Jeju.
21-22 Jiyeon and Eunji visited SGPF in Seoul.
16-18 Boss and students participated at '124th General Meeting of the KCS' in Changwon. Soochan had a talk in inorganic chemistry oral presentation session. Dongsik, Junghye and Jiyeon presented at poster session.
23-26 Boss, Eunji and Dongsik participated at '2019 KU-UNIST Symposium' in Kyoto, Japan. Boss had a talk in oral presentation session. Eunji and Dongsik presented at poster session.
4 Boss gave a seminar talk at Korea University (Sejong campus).
AUGUST, 2019
3-9 Boss and Soochan visited the 2019 Gordon Conference in New Hampshire.
19-21 Hye jin, Seonghoon and Yeongjin participated in the 3rd Small Molecule Single Crystal Crystallography Tutorial in Pohang.
21 Boss was invited the 2019 Yeongnam Academic Conference in Busan.
22-23 Boss, Eunji, Eunyoung, Junghye, Dongsik, Soochan, Hyein, Jiyeon, Joohan, Hye jin, Seonghoon and Yeongjin were participated in the 2019 SRC workshop in Busan. Soochan had a talk. Juhan and Yeongjin were involved in poster session.
23 Yeongjin graduated and earned the B.S degree.
26-27 Boss, Eunyoung, Soochan, Jiyeon, Hyein visited the Seoul Art Center.
JULY, 2019
Jul. 21 - Aug. 1 2019 Pre-Undergraduate Research Program was held. Soochan supervised the high school students as a teaching assistant.
23-24 Boss, Eunyoung, Jiyeon, Hyein and Ji Hea visited the science museum with Prof. Moon.
JUNE, 2019
4-5 Eunyoung, Jiyeon, Hyein and Soochan held a seminar at Yugok middle school with a concept of fractal and Menger sponge.
20-21 Boss and students participated at '2019 KCS Inorganic Chemistry Division' in Busan. Dongsik won the Excellent Poster Presentation Award. Congratulations!
MAY, 2019
7 Hyejin joined our group. Welcome!
14 Jiyoung's paper "Formation of Trigons in a Metal-Organic Framework: The Role of Metal-Organic Polyhedron Subunits as Meta-Atoms" has been published in Chemical Science.
19-22 Eunyoung,Jiyeon and Ji Hae participated at Annual Meeting & Museum Expo at New Orleans.
MARCH, 2019
6 Jiyoung's paper "MOP X MOF: Collaborative Combination of Metal-Organic Polyhedra and Metal-Organic Framework for Proton Conductivity" has been accepted to ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.
26 Undergraduate Research Program(URP) team NH, YJ, PJ and HS won the chairman award of Korea Foundation for the Advancedment of Science & Creativity(KOFAC)
12 JIiyoung and Juhan graduated. Jiyoung earned the Ph.D's degree.
19 Eunji's paper "Metal-Organic Framework based on Hinged Cube Tessellation as Transformable Mechanical Metamaterial" has been accepted to Science Advances.
25 Juhan joined our group. Welcome!:)
27 Seonghoon joined our group. Welcome!
10-11 Boss had been invited to 'Federation of Korean Societies for Molecular & Biomedical Sciences' in Seoul
16 Ph.D Suyun Zhang had a presentation about 'Synthesis of New Funtional Inorganic Crystal Materials and Nanostructured Materials'
2-5 Boss had a talk at 'AsCA 2018 (Asian Crystallographic Association)' in Auckland, New Zealand.
9-13 Boss and students participated at 'MOF 2018' in Auckland, New Zealand. Eunji, Jiyoung, Dongsik and boss had a talk, and Eunyoung, Junghye, Soochan and Jiyeon had a poster presentation at the conference.
18 Year-end party with secret angel, MANITO.
3 Joohan, Yeongjin, Seunghee, and Yoojong participated in URP (Undergraduate Research Program) interim conference.
8-9 Eunyoung, Hyein, Soochan, Jiyeon and exhibit designer Jihea Kim participated in International Symposium of Science Museums 2018. Eunyoung and Jihea had a talk about POLYVIEW research presentation.
9-10 Eunji and Jiyeon participated in 5th SGPF Annual Conference, and they won outstanding presentation awards. Congraturations!
15-17 Jiyoung and Soochan participated in 4th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Hydrogen in Materials.
AUGUST, 2018
6 Jiyeon is chosen for Global Ph.D Fellowship (GPF) student, Congraturations!
27 Hyein joined our group! WELCOME!
JUNE, 2018
28-29 Our group members participated in KCS inorganic chemistry division summer symposium, and Soochan won a Poster award! Congratulations.
MAY, 2018
Professor Sukhendu Mandal visited
APRIL, 2018
18-20 Choe had an oral presentation, and Eunji & Jiyoung had a poster presentation in KCS general meeting, Jeju
MARCH, 2018
18-22 Choe invited for talk, and Dongsik had an oral presentation in ACS National Meeting & Expo "Nexus of Food, Energy & Water", New Orleans, LA.
12 Eunyoung and Hyein graduated, Eunyoung earned the master's degree. Congratulations! :)
23 Soochan's paper "Porous Zr6L3 Metallocage with Synergetic Binding Centers for CO2" has been accepted to ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. Congratulations!
22-23 Polyhedron-based interdisciplinary scientific contents (Polyview) workshop
14-15 Boss had a talk in 'MOF & Beyond 2017' at Daejeon.
18 Boss and students participated in Night of Women Scientists and Engineers.
19 Year-end party with secret angel, MANITO.
22-24 Jiyeon Kim, Soochan Lee and Boss participated in the 3rd JAPAN-KOREA JOINT
SYMPOSIUM ON HYDROGEN IN MATERIALS held at Kyushu University, Fukuoka.
31-11.01 Jiyoung is invited to IASSF (Inter-Academy Seoul Science Forum) as a young scientist! Congratulations!
Dongsik's paper "Cross-linking Zr-based Metal-Organic Polyhedra via Postsynthetic Polymerization" has been accepted to Chemical Science. Congratulations!
JULY, 2017
Eunji is chosen for Global Ph.D Fellowship (GPF) student, Congraturations!
Jiyeon won a Poster award for KCS Inorganic Chemistry Division Summer Symposium!
MARCH, 2017
Soochan, Jiyeon join us! WELCOME!
Hyunjoo graduated and earned the master's degree
Jiyoung publishes research Paper at Nature Communications! Congratulations :)
Dongsik is awarded Samsung Human-tech, Congratulations!
Fourth Blue Cloud !!!!
Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association (AsCA 2016)
AUGUST, 2016
Semester opening Party
JULY, 2016
Inorganic conference at Haeundae
MARCH, 2016
Dongsik joins us! WELCOME :)
MOF at UNIST (Jeju)
Christmas Party with secret angel, MANITO :)
White Cloud at Jeju!
MARCH, 2015
Junghye, Hyunjoo join us! WELCOME!
Third Blue Cloud !!!
Run a marathon
JUNE, 2014
Second Blue Cloud !!
MARCH, 2014
Eunyoung joins us! WELCOME!
Taeho joins us! WELCOME !
Eunyoung is selected for Undergraduate Research Program.
AUGUST, 2013
Jiyoung and Jihyun join us! WELCOME :)
MARCH, 2013
Eunji and Sungmin join us! WELCOME!
First Blue Cloud !
MAY, 2012
Choe group moves to UNIST!
Boss is invited to talk at Energy session in 212 Fall ACS Meeting.
Brandon's paper is selected as an inside cover for CrystEngComm!